Pretrial Limited Driving Privilege for DWI Charges in North Carolina

How do you get a pretrial Limited Driving Privilege after you are charged with Driving While Impaired? If you have been charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI) in North Carolina and your license has been revoked, you may be eligible for a pretrial Limited Driving Privilege (pretrial LDP) that will allow you to drive under READ MORE

What is an Operating Agreement for an LLC?

Operating Agreement of a Limited Liability Company A limited liability company (“LLC”) operating agreement is a legal document that outlines how an LLC will operate. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of the LLC’s members and managers, and provides guidance for how the company will be managed, how profits and losses will be allocated, READ MORE

How Do You Start a Business in North Carolina?

Starting a business in North Carolina (NC) involves several steps, which are listed below: These are the basic steps to starting a business in NC. You can find more detailed information and resources on the North Carolina Secretary of State’s website and the NC Department of Commerce’s website. Does an LLC need an Operating Agreement? READ MORE

Pistol Permit No Longer Required in North Carolina

On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, North Carolina repealed its pistol permit system effective immediately. One no longer needs permission from the local sheriff office to purchase a handgun. Under the old system, one had to apply for a purchase permit or maintain a concealed carry handgun permit. A federal background check is still required to READ MORE

Can an Applicant Appeal the Denial of their Application to a Licensing Board?

Yes, you can challenge a licensing board application denial. The process for challenging a denial varies depending on the specific licensing board. In general, the first step is to carefully review the reasons for the denial provided by the licensing board. This will give you a better understanding of why your application was denied and READ MORE