Professional License Defense and Character and Fitness Hearings

Get Licensed and Stay Licensed

Certain professions require professional license or occupational license. Practitioners are governed by a board, commission, or other organizational panel that promulgates rules and regulations for the profession, its applicants, and its licensees. A Character and Fitness Hearing is a formal evaluation or assessment during the application process. The purpose of this hearing is to determine an individual’s moral character, ethical standards, and fitness to enter or continue in a profession. Professional License Discipline refers to the actions taken against a licensed professional when they violate the rules, regulations, or codes of conduct set forth by their licensing board or governing body. This discipline can occur across various professions, such as medicine, law, engineering, and more.

When a licensed professional breaches ethical standards, engages in misconduct, malpractice, fraud, or fails to meet the required standards of care or competency, they might face disciplinary actions. These actions could include warnings, fines, suspension, or revocation of their professional license, depending on the severity of the violation.

Each profession has its own specific set of rules and regulations governing ethical behavior, and disciplinary actions are usually taken by a licensing board or regulatory authority responsible for overseeing that profession.

Experienced Representation, Proven Results

Attorney D. Landon White has more than 11 years of experience successfully representing clients during the application process, character and fitness hearings, and full disciplinary hearings.

Representative Licensing Board Experience

Professional and Occupational License Defense Blog

  • What are the Different Stages Of Professional License Discipline
    From Complaint to Final Agency Decision The stages of professional licensing and occupational licensing discipline can vary depending on the specific regulations governing the profession. The rules and regulations for a North Carolina certified public accountant are different than the rules and regulations for a licensed general contractor. However, there are generally several common stages READ MORE
  • Authority of Professional License Board to Discipline
    What Discipline can a Professional License Board Impose? Professional licensing boards in North Carolina have the authority to impose a range of disciplinary actions or punishments upon professionals who violate ethical standards, regulations, or laws governing their respective professions. These punishments can vary depending on the severity of the violation and may include: Some punishments READ MORE
  • North Carolina General Contractor License Violations and Misconduct
    Violations and Misconduct by a North Carolina Licensed General Contractor The North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractions has the authority to discipline licensees for conduct that violates state laws, regulations, or ethical standards. Pursuant to North Carolina statute, the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors may revoke, suspend, or restrict a license for READ MORE
  • No Action Taken by Commission Against Client of Landon White Law
    A Long Road to a Successful Outcome No action was taken against Landon White Law Firm’s client by the NC Criminal Justice Education & Training Standards Commission on February 22, 2024.  Our client was noticed with two alleged violations.  The client engaged attorney Landon White early.  At a hearing before the Probable Cause Committee, the READ MORE
  • Professional License Discipline Complaint
    What is a Complaint or Grievance? A professional license discipline complaint refers to a formal grievance or accusation made against a licensed professional, such as a nurse, lawyer, general contractor, or other regulated professional, alleging misconduct or violations of professional standards. These complaints can be filed by clients, patients, colleagues, or regulatory bodies, and they READ MORE